Hello and welcome back! I hope you've all had a lovely half-term and have been able to enjoy the great weather we have been having. As you may have seen our topic this term is based around the seas and the oceans and our science topic is all about the human body. Take a look at the foundation subjects learning grid for lesson guidance. Mrs Twigger will be keeping an eye on Class Dojo so please do get in touch if there is something you need or would like to share work that has been completed.
Remember to log in to Spelling Shed and practise this weeks spellings.
Maths Activities
We will be continuing to look at shapes and angles this week:
Monday - recap on lines in quadrilaterals using MyMaths
Tuesday - properties of triangles using MyMaths
Wednesday - Angle sums using your knowledge of angles in a triangle - MyMaths
Thursday - Reasoning and problem solving with angles in different shapes - White Rose
Friday - Lines of symmetry in shapes - MyMaths