We provide protective clothing for the children when they play with messy activities, such as aprons for painting and waterproof trousers for going outside in all weather. We encourage the children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet, and taking off/putting on outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to do this. We prefer children to wear easily washable clothes, which are not too new! Please send your child in footwear that is suitable for indoor and outdoor play, although wellington boots are worn when wet and muddy outside.
We are very excited to announce we will now have an option for children in Rockets to purchase a uniform from our uniform supplier. This is optional, however it supports children’s understanding of routine, coming to the setting and being part of Rockets, just like being in school.
Please find the link below, where you will be able to purchase the uniform:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Taylor in the office on 01823 662317.