'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

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W/C 20.09.21

Reading at home

Please go to and click on the pink tab 'My Class Log In.'

Log in with the username: rockwellotters

Password: Otters


Once you log in, you will have access to three different reading resources: Oxford Owl, which has a large range of e-books across all levels, Read Write Inc, which has a range of phonically progressive texts and Word Sparks, which offers audio texts. Under the parent guide there are a wealth of resources and videos, so this is really worth while to spend some time exploring.

Mental Maths



See curriculum map below for link.

Shared Reading

Shared reading part 1 and 2 Howard Carter



The Rest of the Curriculum

Autumn 1 Curriculum map Egyptians



SCARF: My special pet


Write about your pet or a pet you would like to have. 


Tell the reader reasons for wanting such a pet. Do you know how to look after it? What responsibilities come with owning a pet?

Sometimes we lose a pet when it dies. What do we feel when this happens? How can we remember that pet in a positive way?


Draw a picture to accompany your ideas.

