'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

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Curriculum Intent


“Sharing life in all its fullness.”


At Rockwell Green Primary School the curriculum and school values provide the foundation for all that we do. Our curriculum is purposeful and relevant to our children and their lives. Our aim is to engage our children in enjoyable learning experiences which will enable them to develop the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We hope to instil in them a lifelong love of learning and curiosity which will motivate them to flourish. We aim to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential in a caring and friendly environment.


The curriculum at Rockwell Green Primary School provides a broad, balanced and enriched education, and has strong and intentional cross-curricular links to aid memory and retention of the content. We place a high importance on English and communication (including reading, writing and speaking and listening), mathematics and an understanding of the wider world and our local community. We want our children to be confident, capable, hard-working and determined people, who possess a sense of personal duty and an understanding of the Christian ethos and values which will enable them to make the best contribution possible to the community in which they live.


Our School Values


Rockwell Green’s Christian Ethos Values are at the heart of the curriculum and are taught and referred to explicitly through Collective Worship and celebration assembles. Recently (October 2022) the Pupil Task Force refined the values from 12 to 6 which are listed below:



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2









Our School Learning Behaviours


Rockwell Green’s learning behaviours of Determination, Communication and Curiosity are at the heart of our learning approach to help children become successful learners. As part of the process, the children created and voted for the character to represent the behaviours we aspire to in school. Through these behaviours we aim to help the children develop a growth mindset so that they can develop resilience and are not afraid to make mistakes. We want to support the children to reflect on their learning and understand how they learn best and can be successful. We talk with the children about being in the challenge zone and how this might feel when learning is difficult.



Our Primary Aims


  • To form supportive partnerships between pupils, staff, parents/carers, governors, other agencies and the local and wider community to enable the positive development of each learner’s academic and social skills
  • To teach our children subject specific skills to ensure that our children are learning how to become historians, geographers, scientists, musicians and artists of the future.
  • To ensure our children leave Rockwell Green with a broad knowledge base embodied in the National Curriculum as a basis for the educational development of children.
  • To provide cross curricular links to ensure that pupils’ learning has even greater coherence and depth.
  • To create a secure, stimulating and industrious environment which fosters the development of all learners, so that they are appropriately challenged, make good or better progress and achieve their full potential.
  • To promote positive attitudes in our school community with an emphasis on respect for oneself and others (their beliefs, culture, home background and property), self-discipline, resilience, cooperation and courtesy, enabling pupils to become good citizens in their own community and in a national and global context.


If you require any more information, this can be obtained by speaking with your child's class teacher and by accessing the link below to the National Curriculum on the DfE Website. Our Curriculum intent is outlined in more detail in our Curriculum Policy and within the subject policies which can be found by following the links below.

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects below. You can also see  each year group's curriculum overviews by visiting the Class Pages section of the website.

Health Week 2022


This week we have explored different aspects about how we can stay healthy through:

  1. Physical exercise and being active (ideally 60 minutes a day)
  2. Eating and drinking healthily (a balanced diet)
  3. Having a good sleep routine and getting the right amount of sleep
  4. Being positive – thinking about ways to help our mental wellbeing


In our active assembly introducing the week, we had a personal message from Sally Gunnell, Olympic gold medallist in the 400m hurdles in Barcelona in 1992, to share the themes above and to tell us more about overcoming difficulties and the determination and perseverance she needed to achieve her goals.  You can watch the video below.





We started the week with a fruit taste testing session to try different foods and think about how we can get our

5-7 portions of fruit everyday. We explored what a healthy lunchbox looks like and how much sugar there is in drinks such as coke (54g in a 500ml bottle!) and the effects that this can have on our bodies and teeth. For guidance on reducing sugar intake in our diets, this website is very useful:




Hedgehogs also visited the Somerset County Cricket Ground for some specialist cricket coaching and we had a tennis coach in from the Wellington Tennis Club to work with years 1-4 to develop their ball and racquet skills.




In addition, the children have had lessons on first aid which ranged in content from who to call in an emergency, how to place people in the recovery position and how to deal with a burn or an asthma attack.






Although sports day didn’t go ahead on Wednesday due to the weather, we had an extended wake and shake session with Mr Parsons. 


On Friday we had workshops with a trained counsellor to talk about our mental health and how we can help maintain positive mental wellbeing.

It was a great week of learning about how we can be healthy and a lot of fun as well!
