20.04.20 Monday
To ease us back into English I would like us to take a look at pronouns - a very useful type of word that we use more than we realise. As we found it hard to recognise these in the SPaG test at the end of last term this will also be a helpful revision. There is a powerpoint to go through below which also contains the tasks for today and there is also a short video that you can watch:
There is a pronoun definition sheet below and also a copy of task 2 as a separate document from the powerpoint.
Tuesday 21.04.20
Some different questions relating to pronouns to complete on task 1. Then choose between 5 and 10 sentences to copy and change the noun to a pronoun from task 2.
Wednesday 22.04.20
Looking at Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. Here is a link to a website with a good summary: https://www.grammar.cl/Notes/This_That_These_Those.htm
Thursday 23.04.20
For English today I would like you to look at something a little different by visiting Pobble365.
On the website, there is a picture stimulus for each day of the year. If you click on the link, you will be taken to the picture stimulus of the day and with this will be plenty of suggested tasks. Read the story start and then try and answer the questions. There are also other activities to complete - you can choose any of the tasks to complete or decide on your own. You may even want to complete the story!
For today choose on of the following to focus on:
or today's picture:
Monday - mymaths - adding and subtracting decimals mentally
Tuesday - mymaths -adding and subtracting decimals using the column method
Wednesday -mymaths - adding and subtracting decimals with different place value
Thursday - decimals - complements to 1. In addition to, or as an alternative to the mymaths work today, please look at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 3
Everyday there is also a free additional lesson that would be useful to keep brushing up on your skills and extending your maths knowledge:
It has lessons for both Year 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 so try which ever you feel comfortable with (but also challenge yourself and put yourself in the stretch zone if you can).
BBC Bitesize are also providing daily lessons across many subjects, including maths: