Reading at home
Please go to and click on the pink tab 'My Class Log In.'
Log in with the username: rockwellotters
Password: Otters
Once you log in, you will have access to three different reading resources: Oxford Owl, which has a large range of e-books across all levels, Read Write Inc, which has a range of phonically progressive texts and Word Sparks, which offers audio texts. Under the parent guide there are a wealth of resources and videos, so this is really worth while to spend some time exploring.
Mental Maths
See curriculum map below for link.
Shared Reading
Long 'a' spelled 'ey' Stage 3 lesson 14
a. Create a story map (pictures in sequence) of the Escape from Pompeii plot- look at the PDF version on website if you want to re-read itr.
b. Imagine you are one of the people in Pompeii looking up at the 'Great Protector' as it begins to erupt. The ground is shaking. Write a short paragraph using suspense techniques- short sentences, ominous sounds, empty words (someone or something), shadows, weather changes, question to reader, simile- to describe the unfolding event. Remember- they would not have know about volcanoes or earthquakes. They may have thought it was the Gods...
c. Make a poster of synonyms for 'said'.
d. Using " " create a dialogue between Tranio and Livia. This can be at any part of the story. Remember to use effective synonyms for said.
The Rest of the Curriculum
Watch Episode 1 of the Green Planet- do some more research and then make a poster showing how flowers are pollinated.