'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

Home Page

W.C 01.03.2021

Reading at home

Please go to and click on the pink tab 'My Class Log In.'

Log in with the username: rockwelltawnyowls

Password: TawnyOwls


Once you log in, you will have access to three different reading resources: Oxford Owl, which has a large range of e-books across all levels, Read Write Inc, which has a range of phonically progressive texts and Word Sparks, which offers audio texts. Under the parent guide there are a wealth of resources and videos, so this is really worth while to spend some time exploring.

Mental Maths
White Rose Maths

Mon 01.03.21 Add mixed numbers.mp4

Still image for this video

Tues 02.03.21 - Subtract fractions.mp4

Still image for this video

Wed 03.03.21 - Subtract mixed numbers.mp4

Still image for this video

Thurs 04.03.21 Subtraction breaking the whole.mp4

Still image for this video

Fri 05.03.21 Subtract 2 mixed numbers.mp4

Still image for this video
Shared Reading

Please see curriculum map. 



The Rest of the Curriculum 


Please follow the class timetable. 

Please use the Oak National Hub and follow the curriculum map. 


(Thursday) Lesson 2 from the Oak National Academy : What Is A Physical Change and How Can We Identify Them?


(Monday) - Geographical Diversity of Africa


(Thursday) We will be focusing on 'La Musique'.


(Wednesday and Friday) Looking at One leg balances and Foot work - week 2




Looking at the Fresh Prince of Bel Air 
