'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

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Home Learning Expectations

Home Learning is an essential part of your child's learning and each week there will be work set to reinforce, practise and develop the skills and knowledge that they have been taught in class. 


We encourage children in Year 5 to take responsibility for ensuring their homework is completed and handed in on time.  We would like them to be as independent as possible with their homework tasks which is why the tasks set will be linked to learning they have already done in school. If they are finding something tricky and need guidance, we appreciate your support and encouragement at home and also offer them support in school.


To help them prepare for the next topic, an optional pre-learning task will be set at the end of the half term to encourage the children to find out a bit more about the topic they are going to study. This will be child-led and could include, for example, researching facts, creating a piece of artwork or writing a story.


Home Learning will be set on a Friday and children will have until the following Friday to complete the work set. A Home Learning book will still be sent home with your child so that they can complete the optional curriculum tasks from the learning grid and to support other activities such as spellings or time-tables that are not on-line. The book will also have your child’s passwords to allow then to access the following:

  • My-Maths
  • TT-Rockstars and Numbots
  • Spelling Shed



Year 5 Expectations


  • Daily Reading - min 10 to 15 minutes 
  • Spelling task - either in their home learning book or set on Spelling Shed (online log-in)
  • My Maths Lesson and Home learning will be set every two weeks (online log-in)
  • Daily practise on Numbots/Times Table Rockstars (online log-in)
  • Optional Home Learning Grid of tasks from across the curriculum