'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

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Vision and Values



'Sharing life in all its fullness'

                                    (John 10:10)


As a Church of England School, we aim to work with parents, pupils, staff, governors and the church to provide a safe environment in which each child is valued as an individual made in the image of God.


We aim to ensure that all pupils flourish and achieve their full potential in a caring and supportive environment. Pupils will willingly take responsibility for their academic, creative, social and physical endeavours using determination, communication and curiosity. Leaders and staff strive to provide high quality teaching and an exciting curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.  


We want our children to be confident, able people, who possess a sense of personal duty and an understanding of the Christian ethos and values to enable them to make the best contribution possible to the community in which they live.




  • Respect
  • Service
  • Friendship
  • Compassion
  • Justice
  • Trust



The school’s Religious Education policy has been drawn up in accordance with the Somerset Agreed Syllabus, and with reference to the Diocesan Board of Education. The daily Act of Worship is intended to reflect our Christian tradition. It is, however, intended that our pupils should gain some awareness and understanding of other world religions. We have a number of visitors  to our school who lead our Acts of Worship. These are religious leaders from the local area.


For festivals and special occasions we hold services at All Saints' Church, Rockwell Green.
