'Determination - Curiosity - Communication'
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Rockwell Green Church of England Primary School

Sharing Life in all its Fullness (John 10:10)

Home Page

W/C 04/01/2021

Reading at Home 

Please go to and click on the pink tab 'My Class Log In.'

Log in with the username: rockwellbadgers

Password: Badgers


We follow the Read Write Inc scheme, which is the middle section of books, but feel free to explore the Oxford Owl and the Word Sparks audio books to supplement your child's reading. Under the parent guide there are a wealth of resources and videos, so this is really worth while to spend some time exploring.

White Rose Maths


This week we are following Alive in 5! Week 1

Through out the week work through the activities when timetabled on the timetable.


Please following the video posted this day for your group on the below webpage link.


The groups have changed, I will message you on class dojo to let you know which group your child is in and and which video to watch.



I will be sending your child's log in details throughout Wednesday 4th January for this on class dojo.

Please see curriculum map.
The Rest of the Curriculum

Please follow the class timetable.

Please use the Oak National Hub and follow the curriculum map.

For Music: 


Everyone - Step 1


Please follow these planning notes for the session.

For PSHE: 


For R.E: 


None this week due to INSET.
